2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment 1967-68

Company B, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) Bravo Company, 2nd Bn, 8th Cav Regt. 1st Cavalry Division Bravo, 2-8th Cav - Co B, 2-8th Cav Regt. - B Co, 2-8 Cav Co B, 2/8 Cav Regt. - Co B, 2-8 Cav, 1st Cav Div - B/2-8, 1st Cavalry Div - B 2/8, 1st Cav Div

Quang Tri (Under Development)

Our battalion was one of the last units to leave the A Shau Valley on or about 17 May, and we returned to our assigned area of operations west of Quang Tri. As a consequence of both the Khe Sanh and A Shau Valley operations, enemy activity in our area was moderate during the remainder of May and June. However, the records indicate that Bravo Company had two casualties during the period 24 June, and many during the period 24-26 July 1968
(to be completed).

In response to intelligence reports indicating the movement of four NVA divisions to the south and thereby threatening Saigon, the 1st Cavalry Division was alerted on 26 October 1968 to move as quickly as possible by air and sea to an area west of Saigon, in the III Corps Tactical Zone. Combat units of the 1st Brigade commenced deployment in early November and were placed under the operational control of the 25th Infantry Division. The 1st Cavalry Division Headquarters deployed to Phuoc Vinh on 7 November and assumed operational control of the
1st Brigade on 9 November. The new mission of the 1st Cavalry Division was to conduct reconnaissance in force operations in the provinces of Binh Long, Phuoc Long  and Tay Ninh in order to prevent large-scale enemy infiltration along the Cambodian border.



Extensive use has been made of Vietnam Studies: Airmobility 1961-1971, by Lieutenant General John Tolson, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 1973 – CMH Pub 90-4. General Tolson was Commanding General of 1st Cavalry Division during our period.

Vietnam Studies: The War in the Northern Provinces 1966-1968, by Lieutenant General Willard Pearson. Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 1975

Secret message on Battle of DAK TO, from MACV Deputy Commander, General Creighton Abrams, to General Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, date/time 221325Z November 1967.

4th Infantry Division Combat Operations After Action Report – Battle of DAK TO, 3 January 1968.

1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division Combat Operations After Action Report – Battle of TAM QUAN,
30 December 1967.

Dictionary of the Vietnam War, edited by James S. Olson; published by Greenwood Press, Inc.; New York, 1988).

227th Assault Helicopter Battalion, After Action Report on the A Shau Valley.

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